Selecting a subset

Select a subset by finding and selecting it or by selecting a bookmarked subset:

Find and select a subset

  • Find a subset using one or a combination of these methods:
  • Select a product and category. (If you want to select a transition plan, select Transition Plan from the Category list.) If you have access to criteria from multiple years, select a content version.
  • Enter keywords (for example, words found in the subset name).
  • Enter medical codes (that is, ICD, CPT®, or HCPCS code).
  • After you select a product and version, use the Subset filter. When you start typing the subset name, the subset list filters based on the text you enter.

    Note: You can access the Clinical Reference at any time after you select a product and version. Select Clinical Reference to access resources such as clinical revisions, criteria bibliographies, review process, and other supporting materials.

  • If you searched by keywords or medical codes, select Find Subsets.

    When the results appear, the Results Count indicates the number of subsets that match your search criteria.

  • Select a subset.

    The subset notes appear.

  • If there are multiple versions of the subset available, select the version based on the date of the request.
  • Read the subset notes to get information about the subset.
  • Optionally, view the medical codes for the subset by selecting Show Codes. Close the Codes dialog when you have finished viewing the codes.
  • Optionally, view a clinical resource by selecting the link in the Subset Notes; for example, Review Process.
  • If you selected a subset that has a clinical evidence summary (available for Molecular Diagnostics Criteria), view the document as follows:
  • Select Clinical Evidence Summary.
  • Depending on the options available, select Open or select Download PDF.
  • Use the controls in the PDF to save and/or print the document.

    Note: If necessary, at any time, you can clear your subset selection by selecting Clear All or selecting Change Subset to select a different subset.

  • Optionally, continue with any of the following tasks:
  • Evaluate criteria in a medical review
  • View criteria in Book View
  • Look up information in the Clinical Reference
  • Add a Transition Plan
  • View a Transition Plan
  • View a Quality Indicator checklist
  • Print a subset
  • Create an InterQual® SmartSheet

Select a bookmarked subset