Viewing InterQual® Criteria in Book View

Book View enables you to quickly view criteria when saving the results of a medical review isn't necessary.

Depending on the product you select, the medical review is available in either decision-tree format or question-and-answer (Q&A) format.

View decision tree criteria

Note: Decision-tree criteria applies to InterQual® LOC: Acute Adult and Acute Pediatric, LOC: Long Term Acute Care, LOC Inpatient Rehabilitation, LOC: Subacute and Skilled Nursing Criteria; BH: Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry, BH: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, BH: Substance Use Disorders Criteria; and CP: Retrospective Monitoring and Specialty Referral Criteria.

  • Select a subset and then select Book View.
  • Depending on the subset you selected, do the following:
  • LOC: Acute Adult and Pediatric — select an Episode Day or Initial review.
  • LOC: Long-Term Acute Care and Inpatient Rehabilitation — select Admission, Continued Stay, or Discharge..
  • LOC: Subacute & Skilled Nursing — select Preadmission or the appropriate episode week.
  • BH Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry, BH Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Substance Use Disorders — select a level of care and then choose the appropriate episode day or episode week.
  • CP: Specialty Referral and CP: Retrospective Monitoring — select an indication.
  • Expand the decision tree as follows:
  • Select a plus sign Plus sign icon to expand a section of the decision tree and select a minus sign Minus sign icon to collapse it.
  • Select Expand All to expand all criteria in the decision tree and select Collapse All to collapse it.
  • For criteria points that include abbreviations, symbols, or terms with a dotted underline, move the pointer over the underlined item to display the definition of the abbreviation or symbol, or full description of the term. For example, the abbreviation NIPPV is underlined in this criteria point .
  • Use the vertical scroll bar to see all the criteria.
  • View any notes associated with the criteria by selecting the appropriate note icon:
  • Informational note Informational note — provides reminders of best medical practice, new clinical knowledge,
  • Transition Plan note Transition Plan note — indicates that the patient might be at a higher risk for readmission and could benefit from comprehensive discharge planning. If you select a criteria point that has a Transition Plan note, Change Healthcare recommends that you complete a transition plan.
  • Mandatory note Red Mandatory note — associated with an indication or criteria point, mandatory notes provide important information that you must read while conducting a review.
  • Care Management note Care Management note — provides information that helps drive quality care and ensure that the patient is progressing along the continuum of care.
  • CMS Two-midnight rule note Two midnight rule note — provides instructions for the Two-midnight rule.
  • When you finish viewing criteria, do any of the following:

View Q&A criteria

Note: Applies to InterQual® LOC: Home Care Q & A and LOC and Outpatient Rehabilitation & Chiropractic; InterQual® BH: Behavioral Health Services; InterQual® CP: Durable Medical Equipment, CP: Imaging, CP: Molecular Diagnostics, CP: Procedures, CP: Specialty Rx Non-Oncology, and CP: Specialty Rx Oncology; The ASAM Criteria®1 Navigator; Concert Genetics Navigator; and Medicare Content Navigator products.

If the InterQual® CriteriaView feature is available, you can track availability of recommendations as you answer questions and view additional criteria for recommendations that do not meet criteria. For additional overview information, see InterQual® CriteriaView.

There are two steps to evaluating criteria in a medical review