Select either risk factors for readmission or an item under Expected Discharge Level of Care.
If necessary, expand the decision tree as follows:
Select a plus sign to expand a section of the decision tree and select a minus sign to collapse it.
Select Expand All to expand all criteria in the decision tree and select Collapse All to collapse it.
View any notes associated with the criteria by selecting the appropriate note icon:
Informational note — provide reminders of best medical practice, new clinical knowledge, procedural information, explanations of criteria rationale, and current literature references.
Transition Plan note — indicate that the patient might be at a higher risk for readmission and could benefit from comprehensive discharge planning.
For a PDF version of the transition plan that you can print or save:
Select Print and then select one of the following:
Current Selection — creates a printable version of the transition plan criteria you are currently viewing.
Full Subset — creates a printable version of the entire transition plan subset.
Depending on the options available, select Open or select Download PDF.
Use the controls in the PDF to save and/or print the PDF.
When you finish viewing criteria, do any of the following:
Select Previous to return to the Subset Overview screen.
Select Menu to exit the workflow and then, optionally, select an option from the navigation pane.