Viewing and editing user account details
- Open the side menu and select ADMINISTRATION. The USER ADMINISTRATION screen appears.
- Find the user account you want to edit.
In the Action column, select the View or Edit button.
The View User or Edit User dialog appears.
Select the plus sign (+) to expand the section you want to view or edit.
View or edit user details
- View or edit any of the following information, as your access allows:
- First Name: (view or edit) first name of the user.
- Last Name: (view or edit) last name of the user.
- Username: (view only) unique username the person will use to log in to the application.
- Send Password Reset Email: available if the user has a verified email on record, as indicated by a green check mark next to the user's email address in the Email Address field. Selecting the Send Password Reset Email button automatically triggers the system to send a password reset email to the user.
Password: (edit only) if the user does not have a verified email on record, then the password can be reset in this field. The user will be required to change their password the first time they use the new password to log in to the application. The show/hide toggle buttons enable you to show or hide the password as you enter it.
The password you create is immediately validated to ensure it follows these rules:
- Must be 8 or more characters.
- Must contain at least one lowercase letter
- Must contain at least one uppercase letter
- Must contain at least one number
- Must contain at least one of these special characters ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+=
- Must not contain any whitespace
- Must not contain commonly used passwords or a portion of your username (validated after the rules listed above)
- When the password meets the rule requirements, the rule changes to green and a check mark appears next to the rule.
- Confirm Password: (edit only) enter the password again to confirm it.
- Status: indicates whether the user account is enabled or disabled. If appropriate, you can change the status by selecting an option from the drop-down list and selecting SAVE.
- When you finish making changes, collapse that section by selecting the minus (-) sign.
- If appropriate, continue to the Facility Access section or the User Roles section to view or make additional changes.
View or edit facility access
As you edit facilities that are assigned, keep in mind that you can assign access only to facilities to which you also have access. If the user needs access to a facility to which you do not have access, contact your system administrator.
- Expand the Facility Access section by selecting the plus (+) sign .
- If the facility does not automatically appear in the list, enter search text to find it.
- Select or clear facilities. Selected facilities are green and cleared (unselected) facilities are white. The Selected counter indicates the number of selected facilities.
- When you finish making changes, collapse the Facility section by selecting the minus (-) sign.
If appropriate, continue to the User Roles section to view or make changes.
View or edit the user role
A user role controls the functions and access the user has within the application. As a Mobile Site Manager, you can assign the Mobile Site Manager role or the Mobile role.
- Expand the User Roles section by selecting the plus (+) sign.
- Select the option for the user role:
- Mobile: Can access the InterQual Mobile application to conduct a review, but not manage user accounts
- Site Manager: Can access the InterQual Mobile application to conduct a review and manage user accounts. Note that to view another user's account, a Site Manager must have access to at least one facility to which that user has access. To edit another user's account, a Site Manager must have access to all facilities to which that user has access
- Collapse the User Role section by selecting the minus (-) sign.
When you finish making changes, select SAVE.