Evaluating Transition Plan criteria

There are two parts to evaluating transition plan criteria.

  • Evaluating the risk factors for readmission
  • Completing a discharge checklist

Evaluate the risk factors for readmission

  • Select a subset and then select BEGIN TRANSITION PLAN.
  • Expand the Risk factors for readmission decision tree as follows:
  • Select a plus sign Plus sign icon to expand a section of the decision tree. Select a minus sign Minus sign icon to collapse it.
  • Select Expand All to expand all criteria in the decision tree. Select Collapse All to collapse it.
  • View any notes associated with the criteria by selecting the appropriate note icon:

    Informational notes Informational note — provide reminders of best medical practice, new clinical knowledge, procedural information, explanations of criteria rationale, and current literature references.

  • Select criteria points.

    Note: At any time, you can return to a previous screen by selecting PREVIOUS. Alternatively, select Menu and select an option from the navigation pane. You can return to the transition plan by selecting Resume Transition Plan.

  • Optionally, add, edit, or delete reviewer comments.

  • When you have finished selecting criteria, continue with one of the following:
  • Complete a discharge checklist, if appropriate.
  • Select Transition Plan Completed and then continue with Viewing and Printing a Transition Plan Summary.

Complete a discharge checklist

  • Select CHECKLIST.
  • Expand the decision tree for the appropriate level of care as follows:
  • Select a plus sign Plus sign icon to expand a section of the decision tree and select a minus sign Minus sign icon to collapse it.
  • Select Expand All to expand all criteria in the decision tree and select Collapse All to collapse it.
  • View any notes associated with the criteria by selecting the appropriate note icon.
  • Select criteria points.

    Note: At any time, you can return to a previous screen by selecting Previous or selecting Menu and selecting an option from the navigation pane. You can return to the transition plan by selecting Resume Transition Plan.

  • Optionally, add, edit, or delete reviewer comments:

  • When you have finished selecting criteria, select Transition Plan Completed.

    The Review Summary screen appears and the status changes from In Progress to Completed.

  • Continue with Viewing and Printing the Transition Plan Summary.