Using InterQual® Decision Reasons

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Decision Reasons helps primary and secondary reviewers, case managers, medical directors, and others to author consistent communications to members and providers that include clear and specific clinical reasons for decisions regarding medical necessity. In the medical review workflow, this decision should be made after the secondary review process has been completed.

Each organization must determine how to incorporate Decision Reasons into their Utilization Management (UM) workflow. To increase efficiency, the primary reviewer can select Decision Reasons before referring the case for secondary review. Alternatively, the secondary medical reviewer can select Decision Reasons once secondary review is completed. The functionality for selecting Decisions Reasons is the same for both primary and secondary review.

You access Decision Reasons from the Medical Review screen or, if you are using Q&A criteria, from the Recommendations screen. You select the appropriate Decision Reasons based on the patient’s clinical information and the medical review. Depending on the information that is received, it may be appropriate to select more than one reason.

Note: Book View provides view-only access to Decision Reasons.

Use Decision Reasons in a decision-tree review

After you select a subset and evaluate criteria, you use Decision Reasons as follows:


    The Decision Reasons content includes a patient education statement that introduces the clinical scenario, including the requested level of care.

  • Select a plus sign Plus sign icon to expand a Decision Reasons section and select a minus sign Minus sign icon to collapse it.
  • Select a Decision Reason. Selected Decision Reasons change to green and have a check mark.
  • Note: Selecting a top-level Decision Reason will also select the children. Alternatively, you can select each Decision Reason individually.

  • When you have finished selecting Decision Reasons, select MEDICAL REVIEW COMPLETED.
  • Continue with Viewing and Printing the Review Summary where you view and copy the selected Decision Reasons information and paste it into your member or provider communication.

Use Decision Reasons in a Q&A review

After you select a subset and evaluate criteria, you use Decision Reasons as follows:

  • From the Recommendations screen, select DECISION REASONS.

    The Decision Reasons content includes a patient education statement that introduces the clinical scenario.

  • Select a plus sign Plus sign icon to expand a Decision Reasons section and select a minus sign Minus sign icon to collapse it.
  • Select a Decision Reason. Selected Decision Reasons change to green and have a check mark.
  • Note: Selecting a top-level Decision Reason will also select the children. Alternatively, you can select each Decision Reason individually.

  • When you have finished selecting Decision Reasons, select REVIEW SUMMARY.
  • Continue with Viewing and Printing the Review Summary where you view and copy the selected Decision Reasons information and paste it into your member or provider communication.